Friday, December 10, 2010

Traditions in Japan

Tea ceremony
The Japanese tea ceremony is a popular tradition among the Japanese in the older and modern century. The Japanese loved to drink tea and always offer their guests a small tea ceremony when the guest visits their apartments. There are a lot of customs to follow when having a tea ceremony and it usually depends on the purpose of it. For example, during a formal tea ceremony, the guests have to sit with their knees on the tatami and bow when receiving the tea.

Japanese hot pot
Japanese believed that sharing food with family members from a single pot establishes stronger and closer relationships. There are 3 different styles of hotpot in Japan and they are mainly Sukiyaki, Shabu Shabu and Chankonabe. The Chankonabe is often being eaten by the Japanese Sumo Wrestlers as a form of gaining weight. The hot pots that families prefer are usually the Sukiyaki and Shabu Shabu which is cook slowly consists of many different types of ingredients. It is one of their traditions to have these dinning styles and it is especially delightful to have these hot-pots during winter season.

Hana Mutsuri
Hana Mutsuri is a festival that the Japanese celebrates on every April 8th. It is to celebrate the Buddha’s Birthday and another term for this festival is also called the Flower Festival. The ceremony consists of bathing of Buddha and Buddhists in Japan take great pride in this day.

One of the famous traditions of the Japanese is the viewing of scenic and grand Sakura blooms. It usually blossoms during the end of March to the beginning of May. The blooms of Sakura are very eye-catching and it is definitely worth going to Japan just to catch a glimpse of this occasion.

Shunbun no Hi
The Shunbun no Hi is one of the traditions in Japan and it is named the Vernal Equinox Day. On this particular day, it is a national day for Japan and people in Japan visit the cemetery to pay respects to the dead.

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